Thursday, 6 March 2008

Band on the ...ground

There is a menace on our streets and it is growing. Well that's overstating it quite a bit. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed the number of red elastic bands on our streets? I take the dog for a walk almost every day and, about six months ago, I started to see red elastic bands on the ground. They'd be singles or sometimes groups of three or four. I started to pick them up. Very soon I had a huge mugful of the things and I wondered where they were coming from. I found out that the Post office use them exclusively. This was confirmed when I discovered drifts of the things in the car park of the local sorting office as I walked past (yes I know how this makes me sound...)
Now I'm no economist and I'm not in business but it doesn't make a lot of sense to be closing down little post offices for not being economically viable when their staff are so profligate with their resources!
So pick up those little red rascals, parcel them up and send them back to the head of the Post Office...whoa, getting a little bit Daily Mail there for a second, starting to get carried away with the insanity. It is a point though, I can't remember seeing so many bands about before.
Maybe I should just forget it and have a nice cup of tea...

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