Friday, 19 December 2008

Hello again, writing news

As I blow the dust and cobwebs away from the hinges and reopen the blog door I have news. I've been writing and submitting stuff to the real world. A short story of mine won second prize on Vanda Inman's WriteSpace website competition. £200 prize! As one of my darling kids opined when i told them 'You came second? that's not really winning is it, it's just losing with style' Lovable little tyke. I must remember to loosen his chains for Christmas.
Anyway, I've also got a Flash fiction piece on the Everyday Fiction website and I've got another due to be published on the Bewildering Stories website in the new year. I've also got a story in the inaugural issue of The Write Idea's literary Ezine The Right Eyed Deer due out in January. I'm only crowing about this because I can't believe it.

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