Saturday, 10 May 2008

The hardest word...

What is it about politicians that they can never EVER admit to making a mistake and apologising for it? There's an old saying that goes something like 'The man who never made a mistake never made anything' It's true. We don't expect our leaders to be infallible do we? I know I don't. We don't have supermen (and anyway didn't he wear his underpants over his trousers?)
Do they not realise how much more respect they'd get from us poor fallible normal folk if, once in a while one of them got up on his hind legs and said, 'Look folks, I made a right pigs ear of that. I can only apologise and tell you that I'll be extra careful in future OK?'
You wouldn't want it every week but it's miles better than people twisting themselves into all sorts of shapes trying to change history and justify what they did and why.
We all make mistakes. It's part of the human condition.

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