Monday, 25 February 2008

It begins...

Did you ever do something just because it was there to be done? I'm not talking conquering Everest I'm much more downscale than that. I'm talking about this , this blog!
What have I got to say in a blog that anybody but I might want to read? Surely it's the height of vanity to want to commit one's maunderings and mental doodles to the information superhighway (unless you're Oscar Wilde of course)
So what can any poor benighted travellers who happen upon this space expect to find? Well, I may be moved to post some of my stories here, there'll be comment on the issues of the day, family stuff, jokes. Nothing to concern you and nothing I fear to keep you long either.
It was just there and I did it.
Who am I?

Mark Tomlinson, I'm 49, a father of four and currently unemployed but Job Seeking (you have to capitalize those words, job seeking is so much more noble sounding than on the dole). I was in the Civil Service for almost 30 years and while I can do almost anything I haven't got any bits of paper that say so. So, expect the odd update on the employment front too.
There. That's broken the back of it. I reckon I'll post this now and if I remember how to get back onto this bloody thing I'll be back to add more.

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